Monday, July 31, 2006

Just like that ...

Today...I took my second Microsoft Certification Test... I was so tensed. The exam was in the afternoon @ 1.30pm. I woke up @ 7 in the morning (Had to go to sleep @ 12 though). Took the certification book and started to read...not to miss anything. Even @ office I was reading ... lil bit of office work. I just didn't know what was happening...I was wavering between the moods of calm and tension. Reached the exam center @ 1pm. I handed my ID cards to the receptionist and showed the receipt for taking the test...She was chinese... Now I was really tensed ... as I always mess up with Chinese... since I messed up my Microsoft and Google interviews interviewed by CHinese....[If the reader is Chinese...please dont take this as an offense]. I had to go to the rest room before the test...saw myself in the mirror and starred @ myself...then a sudden thought of fire...what the HECK...just go do I have always done for the f***g past 27 years of school...undergrad...masters...! Took the test... I passed with a 1000/1000 perfect score!!! Damn what a DAy!

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