Grigory Perelman, a 40-year-old native of St. Petersburg, was praised for work in the field known as topology, which studies shapes, and for a breakthrough that might help scientists figure out nothing less than the shape of the universe.
But besides shunning the medal, academic colleagues say he also seems uninterested in a separate, $1 million prize he might be awarded for his feat. It had proved a theorem about the nature of multidimensional space that has stumped people for 100 years.
Three other mathematicians -- another Russian, a Frenchman and an Australian -- also won Fields honors this year. They received their awards from King Juan Carlos to loud applause from delegates to the conference. But Perelman was not present.
If his proof stands the test of time, Perelman will win all or part of the $1 million prize money. In 2000, the institute announced bounties for seven unresolved, historic math problems, including the one Perelman tackled.
Two weeks ago, academics began analyzing Perelman's work, which draws heavily from a technique developed by another mathematician, Richard Hamilton of Columbia University. The institute says it could conceivably share the money.
Dudeeeeeeeeeeeeeee u must be kidding!!!
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