Saturday, August 12, 2006

Our Old Dude is back...!!!

Fidel Castro is sitting up, walking, talking and even working some during his recovery from intestinal surgery that forced him to step aside temporarily as president, the Communist Party newspaper said Saturday on the eve of the leader's 80th birthday.

Castro's 80th birthday on Sunday had been expected to trigger days of parties, concerts and conferences on his legacy. Instead, the communist leader will likely spend the day in bed, recovering from surgery for intestinal bleeding.

An announcement five days later shocked Cubans: On July 31, Castro's secretary went on state television to say the leader underwent surgery and was temporarily passing the torch to his brother, Defense Minister Raul Castro.

Details on Fidel Castro's whereabouts and medical condition are a mystery.

Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon told that Castro appears to be confronting "serious" health problems and his attempt to turn over power to his brother is doomed.

"The transfer won't work," Shannon said. "Ultimately, there is no political figure inside of Cuba who matches Fidel Castro."

Cool aint it??????

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