Sunday, August 20, 2006

Evolution of Desktop Computers...

Got this one from a friend(Nirmal) ...Interesting :-)

1984 - 1986

Macintosh System 1January 1984: Macintosh System 1

Macintosh System 2April 1985: Macintosh System 2

Microsoft Windows 1.0November 1985: Microsoft Windows 1.0

Microsoft Windows 1.0November 1985: Microsoft Windows 1.0

Macintosh System 3January 1986: Macintosh System 3

1987 - 1989

Macintosh System 4March 1987: Macintosh System 4

Macintosh System 51987: Macintosh System 5

Microsoft Windows 2.0December 1987: Microsoft Windows 2.0

Microsoft Windows 2.0December 1987: Microsoft Windows 2.0

Macintosh System 6April 1988: Macintosh System 6

1990 - 1994

Microsoft Windows 3.0May 1990: Microsoft Windows 3.0

Macintosh System 7May 1991: Macintosh System 7

Microsoft Windows 3.1August 1992: Microsoft Windows 3.1

Macintosh System 7.1August 1992: Macintosh System 7.1

1995 - 1997

Macintosh System 7.5March 1995: Macintosh System 7.5

Microsoft Windows 95August 1995: Microsoft Windows 95

Mac OS 8July 1997: Mac OS 8

1998 - 1999

Microsoft Windows 98June 1998: Microsoft Windows 98

KDE 1.0July 1998: KDE 1.0

Macintosh System 9October 1999: Macintosh System 9

2000 - 2001

KDE 2.0October 2000: KDE 2.0

Mac OS X 10.1September 2001: Mac OS X 10.1

Microsoft Windows XPOctober 2001: Microsoft Windows XP

2002 - 2006/7

KDE 3.5November 2005: KDE 3.5

Mac OS X 10.5Mac OS X 10.5

Microsoft Windows VistaMicrosoft Windows Vista


Anonymous said...

hi da... nice summary put together.. :)

but just one point i'd like to bring up... KDE is a window environment for linux and not an OS by itself unlike MS-windows or Apple-MacOS... so it's not fair to consider that in between...

- anandh

Anonymous said...

Looks like gnome is totally missed out ;-) IMHO, it is one of the fastest evolving desktop environment

Manikandan Sachidanandan said...

Dear Mr.Anonymous...Thanks for taking your time pointing out stuff...I totallly agree...But the sole point of this blog is to show the VISUAL evolution...

Hey Praveen...
The purpose of the blog is to distinguish the visual evolution of DSKtop systems since 1984...
But the GNOME project was started in August 1997. [For more info check out]